High-Performance Business Decision Automation at DecisionCAMP 2018

Dr. Jolyon Cox and Dr. Jan Purchase will jointly present “High-Performance Decision Model Execution by Compilation of DMN into Machine Code” at DecisionCAMP on 17 September 2018.

Explaining how to achieve high-performance decision making, and show a live demonstration from DMN model at 100,000-1,000,000 decisions per second.

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500,000 Decisions per Second

In response to another DM challenge, we proposed an optimized DMN decision model.

Benchmarking tests on a simple laptop show high throughput and scalability at 500,000 decisions per second on a single core.

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How GDPR Makes the Case for Decision Management

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will start to be enforced across the EU in May 2018 for companies handling data on EU persons or companies. This includes the requirement to explain your decision-making.

If your company falls under the scope of GDPR, using decision modeling, deploying a decision technology stack and executing your automated decisions on a highly performant decision execution engine are going to be vital.

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DecisionCAMP 2017

The RapidGen team is attending DecisionCAMP in London, July 12th -14th, 2017

The Decision Model & Notation standard, with its advantages and constraints as an evolving industry standard, will be a primary focus for both panel discussions and practitioner presentations.

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Decision Table Example – Vacation Days (part 2)

Part 1 showed how a decision table can express the complex business rules involved in calculating someone’s annual leave entitlement.

The decision table is accurate and easy to read, but here is another way to write the same logic in a decision table. Both methods are directly equivalent and are efficient ways to communicate logic for programmers.

Now see how RapidGen can take this one step further and directly execute the decision table without needing to rewrite any code.

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Decision Table Example – Vacation Days (part 1)

One of the challenges faced by business analysts is bridging the complexities of the real world with the simplified, logical, organized world of IT systems.

Business analysts need a way to represent complex business rules and decision-making processes in a way that is 100% precise for IT but still makes sense for non-IT specialists.

Decision tables are re-emerging as a popular format to represent this logic so that IT developers can accurately write code for business processes.

See a decision table example where realistic business rules are represented accurately. The format is ideal for business and IT professionals.

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Example Decision Table in Action

This example decision table prepares invoices for sending to customers.

It shows how a decision table can contain the necessary logic in less than a page.

The equivalent in COBOL or Java would run to a number of pages and be much harder to understand.

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