RapidGen Management Team

The RapidGen management team are experienced leaders in the IT industry, with decades of experience delivering decision management solutions.

Ritchie McGladdery

Ritchie McGladderyRitchie McGladdery is the Founder and Chairman/CEO of RapidGen, and is responsible for company strategy.

The company was founded in 1983 with Genius Suite being publicly launched in 1985.

Over 40 years in the IT industry, Ritchie has helped numerous organizations implement better decision-making and operational processes. He enjoys meeting customers and advising on strategic IT issues.

Howard Rogers

Howard RogersHoward Rogers is RapidGen’s Director, Technical Support, and has over 30 years’ experience in information systems and software development.

Howard joined RapidGen in 1984 as a technical consultant, having previously used RapidGen solutions with the first National Health Service patient records system.

Howard is ultimately responsible for the successful implementation of RapidGen solutions to meet clients’ requirements.

Jolyon Cox

Jolyon CoxJolyon Cox is a Director and Head of Development for RapidGen, leading all software research and engineering.

Jolyon’s first IT experience was in 1970 while doing a doctorate in Nuclear Physics.

Since then he has worked at both RapidGen and Oxford University developing systems from low-level device drivers and compilers for some of the earliest minicomputers, through to a modern, portable software architecture for RapidGen’s software.

David Durant

David DurantDavid Durant is a Director and leads RapidGen’s consulting and education organization, and is responsible for developing best practices.

David has worked in several RapidGen teams including support and development. He wrote his first RapidGen program over 30 years ago as a user – and it went into production the following day.

He particularly enjoys working directly with clients whenever he can, through every stage of a successful project.

Anthony Damon

Anthony DamonAs a Director and the Chief Administrative Officer, Tony co-ordinates RapidGen’s financial, legal and administrative affairs.

Tony has 15 years’ experience in the IT industry including project management and development for corporate IT systems’ web applications.

Brenda Barnes

Brenda BarnesBrenda is RapidGen’s Deputy CEO and Deputy Chairman. She is also Director, Corporate Strategy with over 20 years’ experience in the City of London and Sydney, Australia.

She has been involved in the Software Industry for a number of years and has an MBA from IMD, Switzerland.


In addition to RapidGen’s employees, RapidGen Associates are IT and Business Analysis professionals who extend the breadth and depth of RapidGen’s services. Each associate is a specialist in their field, typically with over 10 years’ experience.

Together, the RapidGen Associates form a network of the best Decision Management experts, providing clients with the best possible advice on Decision Logic, Decision Modeling, Business Rules and Data Integration, for investment banking and other domains.

We are always keen to extend our team of experienced Decision Management professionals. RapidGen is recruiting experienced associates