Decision Execution Engine

Decision Engine

Ultra-fast execution and testing of DMN decision models for the
transparent, intelligent and safe automation of business operations.

Developed by specialists in decision automation for over 30 years.

Are Your Automated Systems Smart and Agile Enough?

  • Can you implement changes in business policy as fast as you need?
  • Can you safely integrate AI into your operational policies but ensure human oversight?
  • Do you have Decision Insight? Do your business stakeholders all understand how your operational decisions behave and how they impact your customers and your business performance metrics?
  • Can you demonstrate how your policies satisfy regulatory compliance?
  • Can you quickly test the robustness and correctness of your model and visualize its behaviour?

Watch our Videos to learn how Digital Decisioning can help your organization enhance its large-scale operational decision-making.

Watch Videos

Model Your Business Decisions

Identify your important business decisions and use your favourite decision modeling tool to define their logic, their interrelationships and their dependencies on input data.

Capture all of this information using the Decision Model & Notation (DMN).

Import Your Business Logic

Import your DMN models into the RapidGen Genius Execution Engine as DMN compliant XML.

High Performance. High Scalability.

RapidGen Genius fully compiles the model XML into reusable machine code via a rich, purpose-built language that:

  • Supports high speed execution of decision models
  • Is capable of processing large data volumes
  • Preserves traceability to the original DMN model

Later, automate the testing of your DMN model using the RapidGen Test Data Generator to generate and execute test cases compliant with the model.

Proven Scalability and Reliability

RapidGen is trusted by leading companies world-wide for its expertise in large-scale, business-critical environments.

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3 June, 2024

Level Up: How to Scale Business Rules to the Enterprise

Enterprise users of business rules, or even a BRMS, should be aware of the severe limitations of rules when scaling up systems. In contrast, the decision model approach improves the enterprise scalability of business rules by providing a high-level business organization of logic missing in business rules. It also provides a precise, measurable alignment between … Continued

6 February, 2023

Measuring Increasing Business Benefits During Decision Modelling

A simple means of determining your actual headway in creating a decision model is to measure the number of test cases it can satisfy that bolster business benefit. But what test cases do you need, and how can you generate them efficiently?

28 June, 2022

“Nothing to Declare but My Genius”: Type Safety in Decision Automation

Oscar Wilde’s retort to customs officials may be apocryphal, but oddly it has implications for decision automation. For example, is it always necessary for decisions to declare (in their design) the data type of their results? Or are there advantages to withholding this information until they are used? Should tools verify that decisions comply with … Continued