Digital Decisioning Resource Centre

Welcome to RapidGen’s Digital Decision Resource Centre. Here we have collected a series of blog articles, videos and guides to help you get underway automating your business operations using Digital Decisions. We like to help you benefit from transparent, agile and accountable automated decisions.

We condensed our professional experience to help you answer questions such as:

Soon we will release case studies, product reviews and decision model examples on this page.


Digital Decisions, a 10 minute Introduction

Caught in an elevator with a brain surgeon and a lawyer and they asked me what my company does and its value proposition, here is my answer.

Digital Decisions, the Business Benefit

Why should organizations model their important business decisions as part of digital transformation? We’ve been asked so many times to explain how our clients have benefited from decision modeling that we decided to capture it here.

Embedding AI into your Decision Making

In a recent article we explained why any organisation that makes business decisions needs decision management, what it is and how it helps them become more effective.


Digital Decisions 101 – Part 1

What is digital decisioning (decision management) and why is it so crucial to your company?

Digital Decisions 101 – Part 2

Continuing the introduction to Digital Decisioning / Decision Management with a discussion about business benefits.

Digital Decisions 101 – Part 3

Explaining how digital decisioning is a powerful means of integrating AI into automated systems.

Decision Modeling: Model – Execute – Visualize

Decision Modeling: Model – Execute – Visualize: A silent video demo.

Machine learning enhanced business decisions

Using Decision Model & Notation (DMN) to integrate ML and automated Decision Making.


Level Up: How to Scale Business Rules to the Enterprise

Enterprise users of business rules, or even a BRMS, should be aware of the severe limitations of rules when scaling up systems. In contrast, the decision model approach improves the enterprise scalability of business rules by providing a high-level business organization of logic missing in business rules. It also provides a precise, measurable alignment between … Continued

Measuring Increasing Business Benefits During Decision Modelling

A simple means of determining your actual headway in creating a decision model is to measure the number of test cases it can satisfy that bolster business benefit. But what test cases do you need, and how can you generate them efficiently?

“Nothing to Declare but My Genius”: Type Safety in Decision Automation

Oscar Wilde’s retort to customs officials may be apocryphal, but oddly it has implications for decision automation. For example, is it always necessary for decisions to declare (in their design) the data type of their results? Or are there advantages to withholding this information until they are used? Should tools verify that decisions comply with … Continued

RapidGen Play a Role in New DMN Business Adoption Initiative

RapidGen associate Jan Purchase was elected as inaugural chairmen of the Decision Automation Organisation’s DMN On-Ramp (DMNOR) committee in May 2021. In January 2022, RapidGen’s own Brenda Barnes was invited to join the Review Committee. In this article, we explain the purpose of the committee and its first deliverables to help businesses adopt DMN. Introduction … Continued

The Hidden Power of Lookup Tables in Decision Automation

Decision tables are often used as part of the definition of business decisions because they are concise, easy to understand and easy to change. Occasionally, the logic of business decisions requires decision tables with many hundreds or even thousands of rows. We need to handle large lookup tables without requiring them to be entered into a decision model manually. Here we describe how…

Getting Started with Digital Decisioning

As you set out to model and automate your company’s digital decisions, be aware that it requires a way of working and thinking with which you may be unfamiliar. Improving the agility, transparency and intelligence of your automated business decisions with digital decisions is not something you can accomplish overnight. It’s essential to start with … Continued