Level Up: How to Scale Business Rules to the Enterprise

…actice and off-the-shelf working models for specific domains are available to companies using decision modelling, regardless of the tools they use. Bottom Line The high-level structure, concise documentation of rule dependencies, and the standardized, transparent definition of business logic supported by decision modelling mean that the technique can scale to solve more significant problems than business rules alone. In short, improving the scalab…

Measuring Increasing Business Benefits During Decision Modelling

…problem. How can this be achieved? Decision models can be conceptual—used to communicate ideas about human decision-making—or executable—used to create automated decisions. For conceptual decision models, progress might be determined by the coverage of the model, its reach (how many reviewers it’s had) and its demonstrated ability to inform and influence stakeholders. In short, progress is measured in terms of business value. Value can be hard t…

RapidGen Test Data Generator

…s are meaningful from a business perspective. These test sets are designed to test decision model coverage and correctness. It can also be used to visualize decision-making behavior to ensure that all the consequences of our requirements are desirable. The performance test set aims to test runtime speed, memory usage, latency and other non-functional performance characteristics. Very large test sets with guaranteed coverage can be created in secon…

Support & FAQ

…arameters and a validation checksum. Their contents are somewhat sensitive to format so be careful not to edit or change the content or format unless instructed to do so. The full installation procedure should be supplied with each issued licence but if not here are some guidelines. On OpenVMS systems, login as SYSTEM, transfer the file to your machine in ASCII format, and copy the file to the RapidGen RSR$DEFAULT directory, SET DEF to there and t…


…titive world. Trisotech products are providing digital transformation help to communications, agriculture, manufacturing, financial, healthcare, insurance, energy, distribution, government, and many other types of organizations. www.trisotech.com   VMS Software Inc. VSI develops and markets new releases of the OpenVMS operating system, accompanying layered products (including open source) and compilers. VSI also provides all levels of support and

Free Decision Management Systems Assessment

…sion Management Systems Assessment Report A RapidGen expert will visit you to understand your requirements, check your systems, discuss how you currently execute decision management and prepare an assessment report including Current situation Risk assessment Desired outcome Integration with other systems Available options Recommendations Just let us know how to contact you, and we will arrange for an expert to visit your UK offices If you are huma…

How GDPR Makes the Case for Decision Management

…1995 Data Protection Act (DPA), GDPR will force medium and large companies to appoint new, independent personnel charged with monitoring data processing and servicing the rights of data subjects. It also sets record fines if these regulations are not followed. With a target implementation date in May 2018, many companies are concerned about their ability to meet this regulatory standard. Crucially, GDPR will impose new obligations on companies tha…

Success Team

…oring and Training in Decision modeling RapidGen’s Genius Execution Engine and Test Data Generator Visualization of test data to ensure model completeness Jolyon Cox Dr Jolyon Cox brings decades of complex software development experience to any team. His broad skillset includes writing compilers, runtime systems and user interfaces to ensure that a whole installation is functioning as intended by the customer. Long experience of executable decisio…

The Hidden Power of Lookup Tables in Decision Automation

…s all stakeholders can understand the decisions. As a result, they can monitor and change their business performance as required. Furthermore, proposed changes can be tested and assessed for impact before deployment, giving greater assurance. Importance of Decision Tables Decision tables are often used as part of the definition of business decisions because they are concise, easy to understand and easy to change. Decision tables are also highly ac…